All participants in the Bloomington Economic Development Corporation (BEDC) B-Start pre-accelerator program are subject to these terms and conditions, and by submitting an application, agree to these terms and conditions:

  • The B-Start program is a voluntary program to assist Indiana University students, Ivy Tech students, and Monroe County residents to learn about the Bloomington entrepreneurial ecosystem and to continue the development of the entrepreneur’s startup idea. As a participant, you agree to discuss your ideas voluntarily and you understand and agree that BEDC assumes no responsibility to ensure confidentiality of any information disclosed during the program and that you do so at your own risk.


  • Failure to comply with the program requirements may lead to termination of participation, in BEDC’s sole discretion, with forfeiture of eligibility for stipends or prizes.


  • You understand that on occasion photos and videos may be taken and you release and agree to the use of your image in these photos or videos by BEDC.


  • You agree that you will hold BEDC and its employees, members, officers, directors, contractors, mentors, volunteers, sponsors, judges, speakers, and others involved in the B-Start program harmless from any liability that might arise out of your participation in the program, including costs, expenses and attorney fees; and you waive, release and agree to indemnify each of the above from any and all loss, injury or damage, arising from any claim or liability or from your participation in the B-Start program, including all damages and reasonable attorney fees.


  • BEDC will be the final authority in interpreting any terms and conditions.


  • BEDC may terminate, cancel, suspend, or modify the B-Start program in any way or any participant’s participation in the program at any time without notice or explanation


  • Previous B-Start participants are ineligible to participate in the B-Start program.


  • If more than one participant participates as a part of a team in B-Start and the team is awarded a prize or honorarium, it will be divided equally among the participants on that team except upon a written directive from the team, signed by all team members.


Program participation requirements:

  • The 2020-2021 B-Start Program will run for approximately 16 weeks starting with the kickoff event taking place on October 15 and concluding with Demo Day on February 11.


  • During the entire term of the program, all participants must reside in Monroe County unless otherwise authorized, upon participant request, by the BEDC in relation to COVID-19 pandemic requirements.


  • Participants are expected and required to conduct themselves in a professional and business-like manner throughout the program, including respecting the proprietary and intellectual property of other participants.


  • At least one team member from each startup is required to attend six of the eight workshops. Four out of the six mandatory workshops must be attended in person. Two of the six mandatory workshops may be viewed virtually after the presentation. Participants are responsible for ensuring that their attendance at workshops is recorded.


  • Participants are required to meet with their mentor throughout the duration of the program as arranged by the mentor and participant.